'Boat - Building.' From 'Life on the Upper Thames' 1875.
There can't be many boats being built in the traditional manner on the Thames these days. In Victorian times there were literally hundreds of boat-builders on the river producing dozens of different craft ranging in size from dinghies, canoes,skiffs,gigs,randans and punts' through to launches and steamers.
All this variety and the associated hand crafted boat- building skills involved nearly disappeared but being the tradition loving and society forming nation that we are , all was not lost with the appearance of the first Thames Traditional Boat Rally in 1978. If you want to see literally hundreds of lovingly restored boats from yesteryear then the weekend of July 16th/17th at Henley on Thames is the place for you. Their website contains hundreds of photos of restored craft. Go to http://www.tradboatrally.com/
For a short video clip by Julia Bradbury first seen on BBC's Country file concerning Peter Freebodys boat yard at Hurley where traditional craft are built and restored, go to - http://www.peterfreebody.com/